Lead Based Paint – What Buyers and Sellers Should Know

In 1978, the US banned the use of lead based paint in residential structures because of the serious health issues it causes. If you are buying, selling or currently live in a home built prior to 1978, you should know about lead based paint. You should understand it’s...

Do Home Inspectors Need a License?

Do home inspectors need a license? In my opinion, the answer is YES! Home Inspection is a highly skilled profession that requires not only initial training and licensing, but continuing education throughout the inspectors career. Now, if you ask me if Inspectors are...

Repairs to Make Before You Sell Your Home

Part 2: The Exterior I recently did a blog on the Repairs to Make Before You Sell Your Home: The Interior. Now I would like to discuss the exterior repairs homeowners should consider. Remember, repairs taken care of before the home inspection save the homeowner...

Repairs to Make Before You Sell Your Home

  Part 1: The Interior Homeowners that are thinking about selling obviously want to maximize their profit. Some tackle large remodel projects looking for a huge return on investment. While buyers love a new kitchen, other unattended issues can tank the sale of...