Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap!!

In any industry there will be businesses there are good and bad. Ones that are good at what they do and strive to set the bar high or businesses that are just looking to maximize profit and do the bare minimum. Don’t get me wrong any individual or individuals in...

Is Your Inspector A Part-Timer? If So Just Say NO!!

This makes no sense to me…would you hire a part time doctor, lawyer, or accountant?  If you do or have I’m sure you will not get the results you are looking for and will pay the price later on.  I myself have seen the part time contractors work many many...

Who’s Choosing Your Home Inspector?

First of all if you’ve ever bought a house or attempted to buy a house you already know theres ALOT to take into consideration, and it can become overwhelming with all the factors such as: location, realtors, financing, interest rates, insurance quotes, offers,...